Rautheene jest ludzką czarodziejką z Oerthu i uczennicą Mordenkainena.
- Greenwood, Ed. "A Dark and Stormy Knight: Another Evening With the Wizards Three." Dragon #344. Bellevue, WA: Paizo Publishing, 2006.
- -----. "Goodbye and Hello, as Always: One Last Evening with the Wizards Three." Dragon #359. Bellevue, WA: Paizo Publishing, 2007.
- -----. "Jest the Wizards Three." Dragon #242. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 1997.
- -----. "The Return of the Wizards Three." Dragon #238. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1997.
- -----. "The Wizards Three." Dragon #246. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 1998.
- -----. "The Wizards Three: Warmer Than Expected." Dragon #219. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1995.